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"Shen meizhuang" talk "Deng Chao derailed: listen to what is even recently

2015-06-23 08:07:02来源: 中国青年网

近日,天津卫视推出的公益圆梦节目《幸福来敲门》在津录制。著名演员斓曦受邀担任“幸福观察员”助力普通人圆梦,对于最近“被出轨的邓超事件”,她表示:这个圈里,有些东西我们听听也就算了。 一部《甄嬛传》让人记住了端庄温婉的“沈眉庄”,也让观众认识了她的扮演者斓曦。抛除演员身份,斓曦生活中热...

, Tianjin TV launched public dreams show" happiness to knock on the door "in Tianjin record. The famous actor variegate Xi was invited to serve as "happiness observers" to help ordinary people to realize their dreams, for recently "derailed by Deng Chao incident", she said: the circle. Some things we hear even. A "Zhen Huan Chuan" let people remember the dignified and gentle "Shen meizhuang", also let the audience know her play LAN xi. Apart from the actor, Lan Xi life hot...