新关注 > 信息聚合 > 童嘉骅自析技术特点 张哲嘉:用身高给对手施压

童嘉骅自析技术特点 张哲嘉:用身高给对手施压

Tong Jiahua Zhang Zhejia: since the analysis of technical characteristics by height to opponents

2015-03-13 23:33:24来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 92年出生的自由人童嘉骅、95年出生的副攻张哲嘉是新一届中国男排队中不折不扣的小鲜肉,尽管是首次在中国男排集训阵容中出现,这两位年轻小将早在主帅谢国臣的考察名单中,而两人也表示希望能在国家队站稳脚跟,争取有朝一日打上主力。北京时间3月13日,新一届中国男排在国家体育总局训练局...

Sina Sina sports news 92 years born a free man Tong Jiahua, born 95 years Zhang Zhejia font is a new session of the Chinese hundred-percent men's volleyball team in the small meat, although appearing for the first time in Chinese volleyball training in the lineup, the two young fellow early in the investigation list the coach Xie Guochen, but two people also expressed the hope to gain a firm foothold in the national team for the first-team, some day in the future. Beijing time on March 13th, the new session of Chinese men volleyball team in the State General Administration of sports training bureau...