新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亚洲最丑明星榜单:杜海涛鹿晗上榜 吴莫愁豪气占..

亚洲最丑明星榜单:杜海涛鹿晗上榜 吴莫愁豪气占..

Asia's most ugly star list: Du Haitao Luhan list Wu Mochou and accounted for..

2014-11-26 15:22:08来源: 人民网黑龙江频道

亚洲最丑明星 近日,网络上流传一份亚洲最丑明星榜单,吴莫愁、小沈阳、何润东入围三强。但不可思议的是,鹿晗竟与杜海涛不分上下,杨幂宋茜等偶像明星也被上榜。

Asia's most ugly star recently, the network down a list of Asia's most ugly star, Wu Mochou, Xiao Shenyang, Peter Ho nominated three. But is unbelievable, Luhan unexpectedly and Du Haitao neck, Yang Mi Victoria Song was also on the list of the idol star.