新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经纬合伙人万浩基:互联网金融2.0时代机会在哪


Jingwei partner - Ho: Internet banking 2.0 era of opportunity in which

2015-11-23 09:27:03来源: 新浪

导读: 经纬把未来的目光聚焦在更多的细分领域和全新的用户场景。 以下来自经纬合伙人万浩基在11月17日经纬CHUANG享汇“互联网金融2.0时代”的分享: 中国金融市场现状依然处于中早期,市场机会众多 我自己定下来去做金融,为什么呢?我觉得这个理由很简单,金融这个市场比想象中...

introduction: Jingwei the future focus on more segments and new user scenarios. From the following Jingwei partner million Haoji in November 17, Jingwei Chuang enjoy Internet banking 2.0 times the share exchange: the status quo of China's financial market is still in the early, market opportunities many I settle down to do financial and why? I think this reason is very simple, the financial market than in the imagination...

标签: 互联网金融