新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武隆:多校开展“真善美伴我行”演讲比赛


Wulong: many schools to carry out "the true, the good and the beauty with me," the speech contest

2015-04-03 11:35:52来源: 华龙网

演讲比赛现场 通讯员 邓帮华 摄 华龙网讯(通讯员 邓帮华)4月1日,武隆县庙垭乡九年制学校开展了“少年向上真善美伴我行”主题演讲比赛。 演讲中,中学部和小学部的参赛选手在班主任老师的辅导下...

speech competition field correspondent Bang Hua Deng photo Hualong net news (correspondent Bang Hua Deng) on April 1, Wulong County Miao Xiang Wu nine years of school to carry out the "youth to on the true, the good and the beautiful with me" theme of the speech contest. In the speech, the middle school and primary school teachers in the class of the teacher in charge of the class...