新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德阳国庆已发送旅客超10万人次 明日迎客流高峰

德阳国庆已发送旅客超10万人次 明日迎客流高峰

Deyang National Day has to send visitors over 1 00000 people tomorrow welcoming flow peak

2015-10-06 19:27:11来源: 大河网

德阳站 四川新闻网德阳10月6日讯(记者 周鸿) 国庆长假也是出行的高峰。四川新闻网记者从德阳火车站与汽车北站获悉,从9月30日开始,出行乘客开始增多。截止到10月6日,两站共发送乘客超过10万人...

Deyang Deyang, Sichuan News Network hearing on October 6 (reporter Zhou) National Day holiday travel is the peak of the station. Sichuan news network reporter learned from the DeYang Railway Station and bus station, from the beginning of September 30th, passengers began to increase. As of October 6th, the two stations were sent a total of more than 100000 passengers...