新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘德华抓杨千嬅胸部 盘点明星最尴尬图片

刘德华抓杨千嬅胸部 盘点明星最尴尬图片

Andy Lau catch Miriam chest inventory star most embarrassing pictures

2015-10-02 19:53:07来源: 新华报业网

杨幂:一出场就被投资人熊抱 杨幂范冰冰张柏芝王菲娱乐圈被趁乱摸胸强吻的女星 此前,由杨幂、迟帅、冯绍峰合演的某新剧举行了发布会。在发布会上杨幂一出场就被投资人熊抱,她极力抗拒,无奈这位投资人...

Yang Mi: appearance is investors bear hug of Faye Wong Yang Fan Bingbing Cecilia Cheung entertainment is in disarray touch in kissing actress previously, by Yang Mi, Chi Shuai, Feng Shao Feng starred in a drama held hair cloth. In the conference, Yang Miyi played by investors bear hug, she tried to resist, but unfortunately the investor...