新关注 > 信息聚合 > 移动电源搭飞机起火 台“标检局”:尽速抽测

移动电源搭飞机起火 台“标检局”:尽速抽测

Mobile power station by plane caught fire, "STC Office": sampling tests as soon as possible

2016-05-08 12:20:27来源: 华夏经纬


华夏经纬网 May 8 news: According to Taiwan media reports, Taiwan's Wei flight machine 6 startling news of the fire power of action in the cabin, "Ministry of Economic Affairs Bureau of STC" said Wednesday that it would proceed expeditiously sampling tests on the market of mobile power trafficking and remind people, mobile power supply should be stored in a dry place, and should also be avoided with the release of flammable materials. ...