新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海口多家蛋糕店面包没有“出生证”只隔一夜就变味


Haikou a Cake Bakery there is no "birth certificate" only every night on a sour

2015-10-29 13:18:41来源: 南海网

包装上只有价格标签的面包 执法人员到场调查 商报讯(记者 陈王凤 摄影报道)海南的秋天依然残存着夏日的气息,气温居高不下,一些储存时间短、易变质食品的保质期就显得尤为重要。昨日,有市民反映,...

packaging only the price tags of bread law enforcement officers arrived at the scene investigation daily news (reporter Chen Wangfeng photo coverage) Hainan autumn are still remnants of the breath of summer, high temperature, some storage time is short, easily spoiled food shelf life is particularly important. Yesterday, a public reflection,...