新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL2016情人节皮肤一览 发条琴女情人节皮肤多少钱

LOL2016情人节皮肤一览 发条琴女情人节皮肤多少钱

LOL2016 list Clockwork Valentine skin Valentine skin female piano how much money

2016-01-29 09:57:11来源: TechWeb

LOL体验服中推出了2016新的情人节皮肤,这次的英雄是发条魔灵和琴女,推测价格应该是199,或许会有半价活动,下面就为大家带来2016情人节皮肤截图。 觅心魔灵 奥莉安娜

LOL experience serving in 2016 launched a new Valentine's skin, the hero is the mainspring and piano Daimon female, suggesting that the price should be 199, there may be half-price activities here for everyone to bring Valentine's Day 2016 Theme skin. Heartseeker Daimon Olivia Anna

标签: LOL