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曝奥迪换代S4旅行版谍照 2017年推出

Exposure of the Audi replacement S4 travel version of the spy 2017 launched

2015-06-01 10:15:23来源: 人民网

人民网北京6月1日电(鄂智超)日前,外媒曝光了奥迪全新S4旅行版测试车的谍照。新款将为垂直换代车型,采用大众集团MLB Evo平台,预计于2017年正式发布。 谍照显示,该车被施以重度伪装,基本...

people's Network Beijing June 1 (Xinhua) E Zhichao recently, foreign media exposure of the spy photos of the new Audi S4 travel version of the test car. The new model will be vertical replacement models, the use of Volkswagen Group Evo MLB platform is expected in 2017 officially released. Spy photos show, the car was subjected to severe camouflage, basic...