新关注 > 信息聚合 > ID无边框 乐视超级手机1 Pro图赏来了

ID无边框 乐视超级手机1 Pro图赏来了

ID no frame of music as a super 1 Pro tushang mobile phone to

2015-06-09 23:16:28来源: 天极网

目前,乐1Pro的开箱图曝光了。该机采用了全金属机身,看起来质感十足。 乐1Pro配备了5.5寸2K屏,正面同样采用了无边框ID设计,熄屏时看起来“无边框”,点亮后的效果想必大家都清楚。 配...

at present, Le 1Pro's box diagram exposure. The machine uses a metal body, looks texture full. Le 1Pro equipped with 5.5 inch 2K screen, the front also uses a no frame ID design, when the screen appears no border, the effect of the light must be clear. With...