新关注 > 信息聚合 > 影响世界华人盛典落幕和慧谭元元获奖感恩父母


World Chinese festival ended and Hui Tan Yuanyuan winning Thanksgiving parents

2015-04-03 23:48:47来源: 中国青年网

芭蕾舞蹈演员谭元元获得影响世界华人大奖 v 获奖人合影 获奖人合影 获奖人合影 女高音歌唱家和慧获得影响世界华人大奖 腾讯娱乐讯(文/周萌)4月3日晚,“世界因你美丽—2014-2015影响世界华人盛典”圆满落幕,本次盛典共颁出十一项大奖,分别是:获颁“影响世界华人终身成就...

ballet dancer Tan Yuanyuan won the Grand Prix award of Chinese influence in the world of V Photo Photo Photo Award winning soprano He Hui won the world Chinese Award Tencent entertainment news (by Zhou Meng) the evening of April 3rd, "the world is beautiful because of you - 2014-2015 world" Chinese festival ended successfully, the festival were awarded eleven prizes, respectively is: "Chinese influence in the world was awarded the lifetime achievement...