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英超20强食物链诞生!蓝军金身被破 纽卡曾遭血洗

Top 20 food chain was born! The blues had been bloodied Jinshen broken Newcastle

2014-12-07 15:15:56来源: 网易

网易体育12月7日报道: 这轮的英超联赛,切尔西在客场1-2不敌纽卡斯尔,在前14轮的比赛保持不败的情况下,蓝军终于在本轮被破掉了不败金身。而随着切尔西的输球,英超本赛季的“食物链”也最终得以形成...

NetEase sports in December 7th reported: this round of the English Premier League, Chelsea lost 1-2 away in Newcastle, in the first 14 rounds of the game unbeaten condition, the blues finally in the broken unbeaten jinshen. With Chelsea losing the Premiership this season, "food chain" has finally been formed...