新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唐路遥:失败后重新打造“24小时朋友圈”


Tang Luyao: after the failure to build "24 hour circle of friends"

2015-01-13 09:52:04来源: 中工网

创业者唐路遥并不满足。虽然1990年出生的他早已尝过成功的滋味。 2013年8月1日,本报报道过唐路遥开发微派桌游助手的故事,这款小小的插件如今已经是年轻人聚会游戏的常驻嘉宾。一年半过去了,他现在的主要兴趣,集中在一款曾经在战略上失败的新产品上。 2013年,唐路遥成立了微派网络...

entrepreneur Tang Luyao not satisfied. Although born in 1990 he had tasted the taste of success. In August 1, 2013, this newspaper reported the Tang Lu Yao the development of micro sent BG assistant story, this small plugin is now a permanent guest young party game. A year and a half later, his main interest is now focused on new products, a once in the strategy of the failure of the. In 2013, Tang Lu Yao established micro network...