新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《江南1970》曝剧照 李敏镐金来沅打扮土气

《江南1970》曝剧照 李敏镐金来沅打扮土气

"1970 Jiangnan" exposure stills Lee Min Ho Kim Rae Won dress rustic

2014-12-12 08:49:01来源: 中国青年网

《江南1970》剧照 m1905电影网授权刊载12月12日报道韩国影片《江南1970》于日前定档将于2015年1月21日在韩国上映,而同时也曝光了主演李敏镐、金来沅的剧照。 《江南1970》是...

"Jiangnan 1970" still M1905 movie nets authorized published December 12th reported South Korean film "1970 Jiangnan" recently set file will be released in Korea in January 21, 2015, while at the same time exposure starring Lee Min Ho, Kim Rae Won stills. "South 1970" is...