新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《挂机传说》超能塔罗屋,神秘占卜


Legend of the hook "super house of tarot, mysterious divination

2015-04-01 14:31:27来源: 不凡游戏网

首款萌系放置类卡牌游戏《挂机传说》来啦!和你以往玩过的卡牌游戏都不一样的高品质卡牌游戏,从创建角色开始,所有的打怪、拣宝都是【自动的】哦!是当今最萌最流行最新派的“懒人”卡牌游戏。 上课啦~!上课...

first MOE placed card card game Legend of the hook" Laila! And have you ever played card games are not the same high-quality card game, start from the creation of the role, all Daguai, picking Baodu is [automatic] Oh! Today is the most popular new "lazy" card game. Class! Class begins