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Yahoo announced second quarter earnings: year turnaround

2015-07-22 10:45:56来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 北京时间7月22日凌晨消息,雅虎今天公布了2015财年第二季度财报。报告显示,雅虎第二季度净亏损为2200万美元,相比之下去年同期的净利润为2.70亿美元。雅虎第二季度每股收益未能达到分...

sina science and technology news Beijing time on July 22 morning news, Yahoo today announced the 2015 fiscal second quarter earnings. The report shows that YAHOO's second quarter net loss of $22000000, compared with the same period last year, net profit of $270000000. YAHOO's second quarter earnings per share failed to reach points...