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Porsche GTS,一路长虹,无需解释

The Porsche GTS, Changhong Road, a, no need to explain

2015-07-07 21:06:24来源: 爱卡汽车网

Porsche GTS ,无需费力就能让你的欲望无处可逃。因为在 Porsche 的世界里,只要遇上 GTS 这三个字母,就足以让一辆车性情大变。今天一起走入,GTS 无需解释的狂热人生 ! 传承...

Porsche GTS, need not take the trouble to be able to let your desire to escape. Because in the world of Porsche, as long as the case of the three letters GTS, it is enough to make a car a big change. Today together, GTS no need to explain the enthusiasm of life! Inheritance...