新关注 > 信息聚合 > 合肥南站南广场将开建 绕城高速下穿方案不变

合肥南站南广场将开建 绕城高速下穿方案不变

Hefei South Railway Station South Square will Kaijian Beltway crossing program unchanged

2015-08-18 13:10:59来源: 和讯网

在合肥南站开通运营大半年后,该站南广场终于快要动工了。目前相关部门已就合肥南站综合交通枢纽市政配套南广场工程监理项目进行标前公示,预计建设周期为两年。虽然具体开工日期等尚未明确,但绕城高速改造及南广场建设已经没有太大变数,相关部门正在积极推进,力争尽快实施。 绕城高速下穿方案不变 ...

open operation for six months at Hefei railway station, the Railway Station South Plaza finally going to start. The relevant departments have been comprehensive transportation hub in the South Railway Station of Hefei municipal facilities South Plaza project was standard before the public, is expected construction period is two years. Although a specific start date is not yet clear, but Beltway transformation and South Plaza building has no too big variable and related departments are actively promoting, and strive to implement as soon as possible. The same in the Beltway under the scheme...