新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国少工委动员少先队员积极参加“优秀传统文化..


The national shaogongwei mobilization of young pioneers to actively participate in the "excellent traditional culture..

2015-01-25 04:11:21来源: 中国青年报

本报讯(记者崔玉娟)近日,全国少工委办公室下发通知,动员全国少先队员在寒假、春节期间积极参加“优秀传统文化在我身边”活动。 活动以“优秀传统文化在我身边”为主题,动员少先队员在寒假、春节期间和新...

report from our correspondent (reporter Cui Yujuan) recently, the national shaogongwei office issued a notice, to mobilize the young pioneers in the winter, during the Spring Festival to actively participate in the" excellent traditional culture on my side "activities. Activity with "excellent traditional culture on my side" as the theme, the mobilization of young pioneers in the winter, during the Spring Festival and new...