新关注 > 信息聚合 > 获胜后女排全队哭着拥抱 杨珺菁已泣不成声(gif)

获胜后女排全队哭着拥抱 杨珺菁已泣不成声(gif)

After winning the women's volleyball team has been crying and hugging Yang Junjing (GIF)

2015-09-05 17:54:17来源: 新浪

中国女排赢了! 新浪体育讯 刚刚结束的女排世界杯焦点战,中国女排以3-1力克俄罗斯,取得了本次比赛的第9场胜利,但这场胜利与之前的8场有着不同的意义,中国队很可能凭借这一胜打开通往世界冠军领奖台...

choke with sobs China won the women's volleyball! Dispatch of sports of sina, just after the women's Volleyball World Cup focus of the war, the Chinese women's volleyball team 3-1 Lectra Russia, made the tournament's ninth victory, but the victory with the previous eight games has a different meaning, the Chinese team is likely to with this victory to open a gateway to the World Championship podium...