新关注 > 信息聚合 > 港媒:内地或出楼市调控新政 京沪深房价或“退烧”

港媒:内地或出楼市调控新政 京沪深房价或“退烧”

Hong Kong media: the mainland or the New Deal of the housing market regulation Shanghai deep house prices or "fever"

2016-03-11 01:16:06来源: 新浪网

港媒:内地或出楼市调控新政 京沪深房价或“退烧” 参考消息网3月11日报道 港媒称,针对一段时间以来一线城市楼市火爆,官方高层再度发话,国土资源部部长姜大明9日表示,要增加一线城市的土地供应面积,希望以此为一线城市楼市降温。 据香港《商报》网站3月10日报道,有专家对此表示,增加...

Hong Kong media: the mainland or the New Deal of the housing market regulation Beijing-shanghai deep prices or "fever" reference news network reported on March 11, Hong Kong media said, in a period of time since the first-tier cities housing, the senior official said again, the ministry of land and resources minister said Jiang Daming 9, to increase the supply of land area of the first-tier cities, hopes for a line of cities to cool the market. According to "the Hong Kong commercial daily" website reported on March 10, increase the expert expresses,...