新关注 > 信息聚合 > ERS2015:ACOS 是一种诊断 还是一类描述?

ERS2015:ACOS 是一种诊断 还是一类描述?

ERS2015:ACOS is a diagnosis or a kind of description?

2015-09-26 23:39:17来源: 丁香园

在CHINA DAY 专场上,第二位讲者是 Elisabeth H.D. Bel 教授,她以「哮喘慢阻肺重叠综合征(ACOS)」为题进行报告,根据 GINA2015 年定义,ACOS 有持续气流受限...

in China day special, the second speaker is Elisabeth H.D. bel professor. Her to "asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlapping comprehensive report (ACOS) on the topic of" features, according to the GINA2015 was defined and ACOS have persistent airflow limitation.