新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国足世预赛首仗行程有变 客战不丹改经泰国飞赴

国足世预赛首仗行程有变 客战不丹改经泰国飞赴

National football World Cup qualifier in the first battle of stroke have variable at Bhutan change by Thailand to fly to

2015-04-29 22:11:46来源: 中国新闻网

本报讯 (记者杨先华)记者昨天从中国足协获悉,由于尼泊尔地震,6月16日世预赛40强赛首场客战不丹,原计划经尼泊尔加德满都转机的国足,决定放弃这一路线,经由泰国曼谷飞赴不丹。 由于只是转机,而且距离世预赛开打还有近两个月时间,因此这次计划更改并没有对国足备战带来太大影响。目前,佩兰及...

report from our correspondent (reporter Xian Hua Yang) reporter yesterday from the China Football Association was informed that, due to the earthquake in Nepal, June 16 qualifiers 40 strong match first trip to Bhutan, planned by the Nepal Kathmandu full turn of foot, decided to give up this route, via Bangkok to fly to Bhutan. Because just turn, distance and the World Cup qualifier opener and nearly two months time, so the plans to change did not bring too big impact to prepare for the national football. At present, Perrin and...