新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两会表情:政协委员认真专注 摄影记者拼了!

两会表情:政协委员认真专注 摄影记者拼了!

Two expressions: the CPPCC put together attention photographer!

2016-02-16 19:58:14来源: 青岛网络电视台

认真阅读会议资料 2月16日上午,中国人民政治协商会议第十二届青岛市委员会第五次会议在青岛市人民会堂隆重开幕。会议现场,参会委员聚精会神,表情丰富。

Read the information on February 16 morning, the 12th Qingdao city committee of the Chinese people's political consultative conference the grand opening of the fifth meeting in Qingdao people's auditorium. The meeting, attending members focus, is rich in expression.