新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孩子不能上学区内学校 因小区没交教育资源配套费

孩子不能上学区内学校 因小区没交教育资源配套费

Children never District School for the district did not pay fees of supporting measures for education resources

2015-07-23 22:55:19来源: 大河网

西部网讯 (陕西广播电视台《第一新闻》)让孩子就近入学是很多家长的梦想,特别是今年西安市教育局公布的学区划分更是给家长们吃了定心丸。眼下离开学剩下一个多月,可西安市曲江新区的一些孩子家长到学校给孩子...

western network (Shaanxi radio and television "news, let the children came near to the entrance is the dream of many parents, especially released this year, Xi'an City Board of education school district division is reassured to parents. Now left school for more than a month, the Qujiang Xi'an District, some of the children to the school to the school to the children...