新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陕西省食药监局制定网络订餐食品安全监管办法


Shaanxi provincial food and drug administration to develop food safety supervision measures for the network ordering

2016-05-29 19:25:08来源: 西部网

西部网讯(陕西广播电视台《陕西新闻联播》记者 李旭东)省食药监局近日制定了《陕西省网络订餐食品安全监督管理办法(征求意见稿)》,其中提出,从事网络订餐的餐饮服务经营者,应取得食品经营许可证(含餐饮服...

Western WebEx (Shaanxi radio and television stations "Shaanxi news broadcast" reporter Li Xudong) provincial food and Drug Administration recently formulated the "Shaanxi Province Network ordering food safety supervision and management measures (comment draft)", which proposed, engaged in network ordering food service operators should be made in food business license (meal drink service...