新关注 > 信息聚合 > 举目所见皆是天然山色 贵州贵阳保利高尔夫球场

举目所见皆是天然山色 贵州贵阳保利高尔夫球场

Lifted up his eyes, and saw all domestic golf developed area compared to the natural mountains, Guiyang, Guizhou poly golf course

2015-07-25 08:14:41来源: 搜狐

相比国内高尔夫发达地区,贵州高尔夫土壤相对贫瘠。但在贵阳保利高尔夫球场出现后,相信这一情况将大有改观。 保利贵州体育运动基地有限公司(贵阳保利高尔夫球场)为典型的山地球场,四周原生态森林绵延,依...

, Guizhou Golf soil is relatively poor. But after the Guiyang poly golf course, it is believed that this situation will be greatly improved. Poly Guizhou sports base Co., Ltd. (Guiyang poly golf course) is a typical mountain golf course, surrounded by the original ecological forest stretches, according to...