新关注 > 信息聚合 > 锦荣出任万达“伙女郎”选美评委 赞武汉美女多(..

锦荣出任万达“伙女郎”选美评委 赞武汉美女多(..

Wanda Jin Rong as "Gang girl" pageant judges praised the beauty of..

2015-06-14 11:43:28来源: 荆楚网

18名选手角逐决赛。最佳人气、最佳才艺和最佳上镜获奖者合影。摄影 张扬 三位评委与冠、亚、季军获奖者合影。摄影 张扬 荆楚网消息(记者郭瑶、李京强)6月13日晚10点,由武汉万达中央文化区主...

18 players competing for the finals. Most popular, best talent and best photogenic award winners. Photography publicity of three judges and crown, runner up, sub winners photo. Photography publicity Chu network news (reporter Guo Yao, Li Jingqiang) in late June 13th 10, the central area of the main culture Wanda wuhan...