新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巨人肩上的另一块基石 荣耀畅玩5X综合评测

巨人肩上的另一块基石 荣耀畅玩5X综合评测

The shoulders of giants comprehensive evaluation of another piece of the cornerstone for the glory of smooth play 5x

2015-10-27 22:56:24来源: 天极网


[celestial pole net mobile channel] large circles more than a month, smooth play 5x glory finally and Kung Fu Kid Po together on the 27th in the land of abundance debut. And smooth play 5x glory before the release of the. The former for smooth 4x just to break the domestic sales of 10 million, so a cornerstone in front, this kind of one thousand yuan flagship can...