新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄晓明学撒娇滚来滚去 穿女仆装卖萌可爱

黄晓明学撒娇滚来滚去 穿女仆装卖萌可爱

Huang Xiaoming learned to act in pettish to roll wear maid act loving lovely

2015-03-04 05:20:57来源: 中国新闻网

【解说】3日,《锦绣缘 华丽冒险》开播发布会在北京举行,黄晓明、陈乔恩、等主创出席。现场,黄晓明与陈乔恩比赛撒娇,场面搞笑。 【同期】我学一下谢依霖吧,在身上滚来滚去。这是哪一招?这是我跟谢依霖...

[voiceover] 3 days, "Fairview border Gorgeous Adventure" began broadcasting conference held in Beijing, Huang Xiaoming, Joe Chen, and other cast at. The scene, Huang Xiaoming and Joe Chen the competition act in pettish, the scene is funny. [earlier] I learn Xie Yilin bar, on the body to roll. This is what trick? This is between me and Xie Yilin...