新关注 > 信息聚合 > 费德勒出战迪拜赛先送祝福 为舞狮点睛贺新年

费德勒出战迪拜赛先送祝福 为舞狮点睛贺新年

Federer played the Dubai match first send blessings for the new year

2015-02-21 03:21:54来源: 新浪

京华时报讯(记者毛烜磊)日前,2015ATP迪拜网球公开赛打响,6届赛会冠军费德勒将开启自己的卫冕之旅。不过,参赛之前,费德勒先作为嘉宾参加了庆祝中国春节的活动,并饶有兴趣地为舞狮点睛。 比赛赶上中国春节,组委会非常适时地在开赛前举行了庆祝中国新年活动。在中国拥有大量球迷,又是赛会卫...

JINGWAH times dispatch (reporter Mao Xuanlei) recently, 2015ATP Dubai Tennis Open tournament began, the 6 champion Federer will open his defending trip. However, before the first competition, Federer as guests attended the celebration Chinese spring festival activities, and watched with interest as the lion dotting. Chinese race to catch the Spring Festival, the organizing committee is very timely before New Year celebration held Chinese. Have a large number of fans in the Chinese, and will be wei...