新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孩子屁屁痒、爱踢被子?是长虫了!


Children anal itching, love to play quilt? Is snake!

2015-04-16 06:58:55来源: 搜狐

关注【父母课堂】,获取育儿的智慧! 方法:打开微信→添加朋友→搜号→fumuketang→关注! 一、线虫 1岁女童眼中挑出9条活虫 芳芳今年1岁多,最近总喊左眼痒,还时不时用手揉眼睛。妈...

Parents Parenting, get wisdom! Methods: open WeChat to add friends, search number - fumuketang - attention! A 1 years old girl, nematode eyes singled out 9 live worms Fang Fang more than 1 years old this year, recently called the left eye itch, but also from time to time rubbing eyes with hands. Mom...