新关注 > 信息聚合 > 婚恋心理:男人不会珍惜的10种女人(图)


Psychology of marriage: 10 women not men cherish (map) 10 kinds of women

2014-12-05 12:35:56来源: 新浪

男人不会珍惜的10种女人 核心提示:女人对感情通常犹如飞蛾扑火,为了自己爱的男人不惜付出一切。但是这样做不一定会收获到男人的真心,反而换来不幸。为什么呢?因为这种自以为爱的行为,让男人不舒服,所以...

men won't appreciate prompt: women usually like moths to a flame on the feelings, to love their men willing to give up everything. But do not necessarily to harvest the true man, but for the unfortunate. Why? Because this kind of thought the act of love, makes men uncomfortable, so...