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高清:里约奥运会前瞻 游泳馆内外部设施曝光

HD: Prospects within the Rio Olympic swimming pool external exposure facility

2016-07-31 16:14:32来源: 人民网

人民网北京7月31日电 位于巴哈奥林匹克公园的奥林匹克水上体育馆(OAS),也就是本届奥运会游泳比赛的正式场馆内外设施对外曝光,场馆外装饰设计感极强。 (本文图片记者:魏天翊/Osports全体...

People, Beijing, July 31 electricity Olympic Park is located in Baja Olympic Aquatic Stadium (OAS), which is the Olympic Games swimming competition both inside and outside the official venues of external exposure facility, venue decoration strong sense of design. (This picture Reporter: Wei Tianyi / Osports all ...