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联想乐商店陈学桂:《Pokemon Go》移动游戏新启发

Lenovo music store Chen Xuegui: "Go Pokemon," a new inspiration for mobile games

2016-08-05 14:26:19来源: 中关村在线

进入7月酷暑,AR游戏《Pokemon Go》在全球“燃”起来了,这一现象也引发了国内业界专家的关注。较早布局AR生态的联想移动互联网事业部总经理陈学桂就将《Pokemon Go》全球走红的原因归纳为“两新一老”:AR技术的运用、将LBS(基于位置的服务)与游戏结合以及经典IP。 图为...

Into the summer of July, AR game "Go Pokemon" in the global "burn" up, this phenomenon has also led to the domestic industry experts concern. The earlier layout ar ecosystem of Lenovo Mobile Internet division general manager Chen Xuegui will Pokemon go global popular induction is the use of "new old": AR technology, the lbs (location services) and game combines and classical IP based. As...

标签: 游戏