新关注 > 信息聚合 > 把甜饮料当开水喝 “白骨精”血糖“爆表”

把甜饮料当开水喝 “白骨精”血糖“爆表”

When the open water to drink sweet drinks "Skeleton Demon" blood "burst table."

2016-02-14 21:01:19来源: 环球网

本报讯(记者伍伟 通讯员刘姗姗)春节期间吃多了大鱼大肉,干脆把甜饮料当做白开水来喝,结果体重110斤的女白领,甘油三脂居然是正常人的17倍,血糖高得根本测不出来。 32岁的李敏(化名)是房地产公司的一名白领。前阵子总感觉心慌、乏力、口渴,一下子瘦了10多斤。过年期间面对顿顿大鱼大肉却...

Eat period (Reporter correspondent Liu Shanshan Wu Wei) Chinese New Year more meat and fish, and just as the sweet drink boiled water to drink, and the results of weighing 110 pounds female white-collar workers, triglycerides is actually 17 times normal, high blood sugar simply not be measured. 32-year-old Li Min (a pseudonym) is a real estate company's white-collar workers. Recently always feel palpitation, fatigue, thirst, suddenly lost 10 kilos. During the Chinese New Year to attend a lecture about having to face it ...