新关注 > 信息聚合 > 属于王者的盛宴 江苏卫视昆仑决诸神新帝火热出炉

属于王者的盛宴 江苏卫视昆仑决诸神新帝火热出炉

The feast of Jiangsu TV Kunlun belongs to the king of the gods by the new emperor Sportec

2016-01-31 17:55:08来源: 新浪

诸神总冠军诞生 2016年1月31日16:00,当今中国最具规格、观赏性及话题性的顶尖职业搏击赛事“昆仑决”如同一位定期小聚的老朋友一样,又一次在“老地方”——江苏卫视与亿万武迷们如约见面。这一...

The gods championship was born January 2016 31, 16:00, in today's China's most specifications, ornamental and topic of top professional wrestling tournament "Kunlun" as a regular gathering of old friends like, once again in the "old place", Jiangsu Satellite TV and hundreds of millions of Wu fans such as appointment. This one...