新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南京楼市新政首日“抢房”仍上演 有买房人以为又..

南京楼市新政首日“抢房”仍上演 有买房人以为又..

Nanjing, the first day of the New Deal "panic room" is still put people to buy a house thought it ..

2016-02-27 22:56:48来源: 新华报业网

交汇点讯 剑指“控房价、去库存”的南京本地楼市新政昨天下午终于出台,结果市场反响并不如预期。从新政出台当晚以及今天新推房源的多家楼盘表现来看,抢房现象依然在上演,有买房人甚至连夜排队以确保购房资格,...

Intersection information to prove safety, "control prices, to stock" of the local property market in Nanjing yesterday afternoon finally introduced the New Deal, the result of market response is not as expected. From the New Deal that evening and today's new push real estate listing a number of performance, the phenomenon is still staged panic room, there are people even queued overnight to buy a house to ensure that qualified buyers, ...