新关注 > 信息聚合 > 落选金球奖名单后被力挺 布冯:被支持声淹没了

落选金球奖名单后被力挺 布冯:被支持声淹没了

The golden ball award name list after the election was behind Buffon: supported to drown out the sound of the

2015-10-03 13:24:45来源: 新浪

布冯落选金球奖候选名单 新浪体育讯 在落选金球奖候选名单后,布冯在自己Facebook的主页上表达了对人们支持的感谢,他称自己是个乐观主义者,在落选名单后,已经被支持声所淹没了。 在金球奖候...

Buffon Golden Globe Awards shortlist of sina sports dispatch to be voted out at the Golden Globe Awards List of candidates after the election, Buffon on their Facebook Page expressed gratitude for the support of the people, he said oneself is a optimism, in the list after the election, has been the support of voice drowned out by the. At the Golden Globe awards...