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轻松搭建私人影院 全高清投影机导购指南

Easily build private theater Full HD projector guide

2015-09-22 19:54:58来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 海选导购】对于传统投影机厂商来说,家庭影院级的投影机除了分辨率要达到全高清标准,也就是常说的1080P,还要亮度要上得去。 而一些智能微投厂商也纷纷标称自己的产品是影院级的,...

[pconline auditions guide] for the traditional projector manufacturers, home theater projector in addition to reach the standard of Full HD resolution, is often said that the 1080p, but also brightness to have to go on. And some smart micro investment companies have their own products are also rated the theater level,...