新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015山东事业单位面试:综合分析能力具体化(三)


2015 Shandong institution interview: comprehensive analysis ability specific (3)

2015-06-30 16:28:13来源: 中公教育网

1.如何分析? 我们每人看问题,都会站在各自的立场上思考,这样很容易把问题看简单、片面。例如:当我们站在茶壶前面的时候,只能看到茶壶嘴,不能说茶壶就只有个嘴;当站在茶壶背面的时候,只能看到茶壶把,...

1. how to analysis? Each of us, standing in their respective positions on thinking, so very easy to look simple, one-sided. For example: when we stand in the front of the teapot, can only see the spout of the teapot, can not say that only a spout; when standing on the back of the teapot, only to see the teapot,...