新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3D解围!上港后卫逆天1脚击中飞猫 网友发神调侃

3D解围!上港后卫逆天1脚击中飞猫 网友发神调侃

Rescue 3D! 1 foot above the harbor guard guards hit her friends made God laugh Netease

2015-09-12 21:42:34来源: 网易

上港后卫在比赛中解围击中飞猫系统,网友发挥才智进行神调侃。 网易体育9月12日报道: 中超第25轮,上海上港在八万人体育场迎战来访的广州恒大。本场比赛,也专门使用了“飞猫”转播系统以提高比赛的转...

Hong defender in the game solution besiege in her system, users play wit God laugh. NetEase sports reported in September 12th: in the twenty-fifth round, the Hong Kong Shanghai against the visiting Guangzhou Evergrande in the stadium. In this game, also specializes in the use of "cat" broadcast system to improve game turn...