新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陈乔恩严冬穿短裙露长腿 自嘲拍照那天有够冷

陈乔恩严冬穿短裙露长腿 自嘲拍照那天有够冷

Joe Chen winter wear short skirt dew on the day of the shooting have long legs self deprecating cold enough

2014-12-09 23:51:30来源: 中国青年网

腾讯娱乐讯 (文/Tree) 12月9日,陈乔恩(微博)在微博晒出自己一组在严寒中身穿短裙,秀出美腿的照片。与照片背景中裹着厚厚棉衣的保安大哥形成鲜明对比,陈乔恩身穿亮黄色连衣短裙,搭配红色单肩包,...

Tencent entertainment news (the /Tree) in December 9th, Joe Chen (micro-blog) in micro-blog aired their group in the cold wearing a skirt, show beautiful leg photos. With the background of the picture wrapped in a thick coat of big brother security form bright contrast, Joe Chen wearing a bright yellow with red minidress, single shoulder bag,...