新关注 > 信息聚合 > 应用材料公司CEO:“摩尔定律”尚未被颠覆


Applied Materials CEO: "Moore's Law" has not yet been subverted

2016-03-17 23:17:30来源: 新浪

计算机性能进步可预测的时代正在走向尾声,接下来会发生什么? 《第一财经日报》记者日前专访了全球最大的半导体芯片设备制造商美国应用材料公司全球总裁盖瑞-迪克森(Gary Dickerson)。作为...

Advances in computer performance and predictable era is toward the end, what happens next? "First Financial Daily" reporter recently interviewed the world's largest semiconductor chip equipment maker Applied Materials, Inc. Global CEO Gary - Dixon (Gary Dickerson). As ...