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苹果推iOS9.3.1系统 修复网页链接崩溃问题

Apple push iOS9.3.1 system repair links crash

2016-04-01 23:01:26来源: 天极网

【天极网IT新闻频道】继发布新版iOS9.3(13E5237)系统解决老设备无法激活而变砖问题后,今日凌晨,苹果再次推送了iOS9.3.1系统更新。本次更新主要解决此前升级iOS9.3正式版后的点击网页链接崩溃Bug。 苹果推iOS9.3.1系统 修复网页链接崩溃问题 据了解,如果...

[YORK IT News] Following the promulgation of the new iOS9.3 (13E5237) system solves the old equipment can not be activated while the brick question, this morning, Apple once again push the iOS9.3.1 system update. This update is mainly to solve the previous upgrade click on links iOS9.3 official version after the collapse of the Bug. Apple push iOS9.3.1 system repair links crash It is understood that if ...

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