新关注 > 信息聚合 > 又将刷新最薄记录?金立MWC将发ELIFE S7

又将刷新最薄记录?金立MWC将发ELIFE S7

Will refresh the records? Jin MWC will ELIFE S7

2015-02-14 22:42:38来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline 资讯】在去年的MWC展会上,金立展出了当时全球最薄的智能手机ELIFE S5.5,过去了一年时间后,如今最薄手机记录已被其他厂商打破。之前曾传闻金立将会在今年的MWC展会上推出更...

[PConline] at last year's MWC exhibition, Gionee exhibited was one of the world's most thin intelligent mobile phone ELIFE S5.5, over the past year, now the thinnest mobile phone records have been other manufacturers break. Before rumors of Jin Li will in this year's MWC conference launched more...