新关注 > 信息聚合 > 安庆市政协十四届四次会议胜利闭幕


Anqing City CPPCC fourth Session of the successful conclusion of the Fourth Session

2016-01-26 09:42:20来源: 中安在线

中安在线讯 据安庆新闻网报道,中国人民政治协商会议安庆市第十四届委员会第四次会议在圆满完成各项议程后,1月25日上午在东部新城综合写字楼大礼堂胜利闭幕。 市政协主席张金锐主持会议。市政协副主席吴...

According to the online news Anqing Angola News Network reported that the fourth meeting of the Chinese People's Political Committee at the fourteenth session of Anqing City after completing its agenda, closing the morning of January 25 in the eastern town office complex auditorium victory. City Committee Chairman Inheritance and Stability Chair. City Vice Chairman Wu ...