新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贾乃亮拥甜馨享“此时此刻” 前世情人俏皮比V

贾乃亮拥甜馨享“此时此刻” 前世情人俏皮比V

Jia Nailiang had to enjoy the sweet and fragrant "at this moment" past life lover playful than V

2014-12-07 18:56:12来源: 中国青年网

贾乃亮与小甜馨 腾讯娱乐讯 继昨天(12月6日)李小璐大秀一家三口甜蜜视频照后,今天贾乃亮也晒出了拥女儿甜馨在床上乐享天伦的照片。图中贾乃亮眼神柔和父爱浓浓,小甜馨则俏皮地伸出双手,比出了不像二...

Jia Nailiang and little sweet and fragrant Tencent entertainment news following yesterday (December 6th) Li Xiaolu big show a family of three sweet video after exposure, Jia Nailiang today also drying out hold daughter sweet and fragrant in bed enjoy day Lun photos. In the picture Jia Nailiang eyes father thick soft, sweet and fragrant, nifty little hands out, than to not like two...